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The 5 Love Languages®

In his #1 New York Times international bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®, you’ll discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

The 5 Love Languages®

This beautiful, ornate edition makes the perfect gift for your loved one or a couple on their wedding day or anniversary.

The 5 Love Languages®

In his #1 New York Times international bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®, you’ll discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

Los 5 Lenguajes del Amor

En el bestseller internacional del New York Times Los 5 lenguajes del amor, descubrirá el secreto que ha transformado millones de relaciones en todo el mundo. Ya sea que su relación florezca o fracase, el enfoque comprobado del Dr. Gary Chapman para mostrar y recibir amor le ayudará a experimentar niveles más profundos y ricos de intimidad con su pareja, comenzando hoy mismo. Los 5 lenguajes del amor es tan práctico como revelador. Actualizado para reflejar las complejidades de las relaciones de hoy en día, esta nueva edición revela verdades intrínsecas y aplica una sabiduría relevante y práctica que funciona.


In his #1 New York Times international bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®, you’ll discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.


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This beautiful, ornate edition makes the perfect gift for your loved one or a couple on their wedding day or anniversary.


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In his #1 New York Times international bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®, you’ll discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.


$14.99 -20%

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En el bestseller internacional del New York Times Los 5 lenguajes del amor, descubrirá el secreto que ha transformado millones de relaciones en todo el mundo. Ya sea que su relación florezca o fracase, el enfoque comprobado del Dr. Gary Chapman para mostrar y recibir amor le ayudará a experimentar niveles más profundos y ricos de intimidad con su pareja, comenzando hoy mismo. Los 5 lenguajes del amor es tan práctico como revelador. Actualizado para reflejar las complejidades de las relaciones de hoy en día, esta nueva edición revela verdades intrínsecas y aplica una sabiduría relevante y práctica que funciona.
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Falling in love is easy. Continuing in love—that’s the challenge.


More Laughter • More Joy • More Love

In his #1 New York Times international bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®, you’ll discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

  • Strengthen your emotional and physical connections

  • Improve empathy and selflessness

  • Communicate love more effectively

  • Get new insights for self-discovery

  • Identify why you may not "feel" loved in a relationship

  • Discover Your Love Language™

The Author

Gary Headshot

Dr. Gary Chapman



Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 20 million worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn.

Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 20 million worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn.