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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
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Barista Warrior French Press Insulated Coffee Maker


Barista Warrior French Press Insulated Coffee Maker

Method Matters. Use Barista Warrior’s French Press to Brew a Highly-Personalized Cup of Joe. Easily control the grounds, steep time, and temperature of your favorite drink.

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Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar


Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar

Store all your favorite date ideas or save up for date night using the Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar. The glass jar features a colorful heart design.

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Lavender Heart Shower Steamers


Lavender Heart Shower Steamers

Enjoy this luxury set of 4 heart-shaped Lavender shower steamers that have been created especially for those who not only love a great scent but also the power of relaxing and...

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Denarii Lavender Spa Tower


Denarii Lavender Spa Tower

They will love this beautiful tower filled with an array of soothing lavender spa products from Source Vérité. This spa gift is sure to make anyone feel relaxed after a long day.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Groupon Travel




Search Groupon for a fun staycation wherever you live! Order room service and enjoy some Quality Time together away from the stresses of everyday life.

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Learning the 5 Love Languages™ with Dr. Gary Chapman

Join Dr. Gary Chapman, long-time marriage counselor and bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages® for this six-session, MasterClass-style presentation on how to build the kind of love that lasts.


The Couples Bucket List


The Couples Bucket List

Tired of the same ole' boring Friday night? This date night ideas box is the perfect way to bring back some adventure in your relationship and maybe even a little *eyebrows, eyebrows* fun.

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Her Personalized Nameplate Necklace


Her Personalized Nameplate Necklace

Personalize with any name in your choice of font.

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Pear Lovers Gift Box


Pear Lovers Gift Box

Delightfully decorated, these pears come adorned with heart-shaped stickers delivering messages such as "be mine," "kiss me," and "I'm yours."

Unplug Box

Unplug Box


Unplug Box

This Unplug Box makes a great gift for those who love Quality Time with others.

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Capuli Whole Fruit Teas - Gift Box


Capuli Whole Fruit Teas - Gift Box

Naturally sweetened by the whole ripe fruit included in each serving. The fruits are sourced from small women-owned farms in Colombia and the USA.

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Wagyu Beef Burgers


Wagyu Beef Burgers

Go beyond the ordinary with these exceptional burgers crafted from Wagyu beef, offered in partnership with Rastelli's.