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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Denarii Lavender Spa Gift Basket


Denarii Lavender Spa Gift Basket

Send this indulgent spa experience right at home with this exquisite spa gift basket featuring Source Vérité Denarii Lavender products.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.


Photo Session


Photo Session

Most people treasure photos and love to share them. A photo session with a local photographer makes a great gift that will be cherished for years to come.

Affirming Text

Affirmation Alarm


Affirmation Alarm

Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, send a thoughtful text or say something kind every day for a week.

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Fortunate Love Personalized Fortune Cookie


Fortunate Love Personalized Fortune Cookie

Silver fortune cookie packaged inside an authentic Chinese take-out box, personalized with the recipient's name, any 2 lines of text, and the presenter's name.

Streaming Together

Streaming Subscription


Streaming Subscription

Sometimes Quality Time looks like an evening enjoying your favorite movie or show together! Give the gift of a streaming service for the person who likes to relax with you . . . and don't forget the snacks.

Book 5llgift

The 5 Love Languages® Gift Edition

This meticulously crafted edition of the iconic #1 "New York Times" bestseller is the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a special encouragement for any couple.





When things are organized, it makes people feel good. Gift some things that make organizing easier for your friends, spouse, or family.

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Max Brenner Fondue Tower Set with Chocolates


Max Brenner Fondue Tower Set with Chocolates

These handcrafted chocolate creations and unique gifts are every chocoholic's dream come true!

Honey Do Bank

Honey-Do Bank


Honey-Do Bank

Acts of Service got you stumped? Designate a "Honey-Do" Bank in your home and ask your spouse to add suggestions. Every so often, choose a task from the bank and do it for him or her!

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Denarii Lavender Spa Tower


Denarii Lavender Spa Tower

They will love this beautiful tower filled with an array of soothing lavender spa products from Source Vérité. This spa gift is sure to make anyone feel relaxed after a long day.

Hug Thing

Mail a Hug


Mail a Hug

Is there physical distance between you and someone you love? Give a hug that can be felt from miles away.

Home Camping Date Night

Home Camping


Home Camping

Go camping—in your living room! You're never too old to transform your living room into a couple’s camping experience once again—only now, you can go the extra mile. Click for inspiration!

Book 5llchildren

The 5 Love Languages® of Children

The #1 "New York Times" bestselling book "The 5 Love Languages®" has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands.