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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Sweetly Sprinkled Gourmet Dipped Berries


Sweetly Sprinkled Gourmet Dipped Berries

Our gourmet berries are sprinkled with love for the one you love. Plump and juicy, each one is dipped, drizzled, and decorated for all-out decadence.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Outdoor Heater

Outdoor Heater


Outdoor Heater

An outdoor heater will allow you to spend time outside together as the weather gets colder.


Lavender Hearts Spa Box


Lavender Hearts Spa Box

This thoughtful lavender package is full of 100% natural products and is created to provide soothing, comfort, and relaxation. This is the ideal gift box to gift to your loved one!


Customized Apparel


Customized Apparel

Does your loved one love a particular sports team? Pick up a hat or a jersey you think they would look great in, or get yourself a matching one and cheer them on together!

Notes Of Love

Affirmation Jar


Affirmation Jar

Write a list of genuine, specific compliments or affirmations on individual scraps of paper and put them in a jar, so they can be opened and read whenever your loved one needs a pick-me-up.

Rock Climbing Gym

Fitness Date


Fitness Date

Stay in shape while you date and give the gift of a "Fitness Date." Go rock climbing, axe throwing, or just take a fitness class—as long as you are together.

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Sending Love™ Artisan Belgian Chocolate Strawberries


Sending Love™ Artisan Belgian Chocolate Strawberries

Spell out how you feel with a romantic surprise from this new Select Collection. Plump, perfectly ripe gourmet strawberries are hand-dipped in sinful Belgian dark chocolate and...

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Everyday Stack


Everyday Stack

There's nothing like a new golden ring party to boost your mood. Handmade in America. This stack includes: 1 Figaro Chain Ring, 1 Hammered Ring, 1 Beaded Ring

Now And Later

Now and Laters


Now and Laters

Hide Now and Laters® around the house for your spouse to discover. Every time one is found, he or she wins a 60-second hug or kiss NOW, plus 60 seconds toward a massage or another activity LATER!


Night Sky Poster


Night Sky Poster

Honor a special memory by ordering a framed poster of the night sky from wherever you were on that very date! It’s a beautiful and romantic way to remind your loved one how much they mean to you.


Oil Change


Oil Change

Take care of their next oil change with a Jiffy Lube gift card—or better yet, take the car in yourself!