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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set


Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set

Try our luxurious spa set from Sonoma Lavender. This spa gift includes a slipper or mitten set—or both—with coordinating moisturizing creams to help them relax while improving circulation.

Dance Lesson

Dance Lessons


Dance Lessons

Dancing lessons can be a particularly meaningful gift for a loved one with the love language of Physical Touch. There are many styles to choose from—pick one and surprise your partner.

Now And Later

Now and Laters


Now and Laters

Hide Now and Laters® around the house for your spouse to discover. Every time one is found, he or she wins a 60-second hug or kiss NOW, plus 60 seconds toward a massage or another activity LATER!


The Giving Heart Charm Bracelet


The Giving Heart Charm Bracelet

This keepsake charm bracelet set helps offer that solace. Featuring delicate heart charms on a leather cord strap, symbolizing the importance of holding onto faith and love.


Comfy Blanket Gift Set


Comfy Blanket Gift Set

Show you care by sending this gift of comfort and pleasure to the people you truly care about. This is a perfect gift for a person who has everything.


Personalized Blanket


Personalized Blanket

Who wouldn't want a personalized throw blanket for snuggling on the couch together?

Book 52unwind

52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together

Whether you’re in a tough season, feeling disconnected, or weary from the weight of everyday pressure, it’s time to de-stress together. Unwind with fun activities that are strategically-designed to get you relaxing and reconnecting with your loved one.

Cooking Class

Cooking Class


Cooking Class

Take a cooking class with your partner! Side by side, you are sure to give and receive many touches. Make it a point to be close and have fun. Check out this site for classes near you. Bon appétit!


Aloe You Vera Much DIY Moss Wall Art Kit, Mossy Tree


Aloe You Vera Much DIY Moss Wall Art Kit, Mossy Tree

Create your next masterpiece with our DIY Moss Art Kit! This kit includes all the supplies and tools necessary to assemble moss wall art. Enjoy assembling this yourself or gift to a special someone!

Uglychristmas 2

Ugly Christmas Sweater


Ugly Christmas Sweater

Flaunt your LOVE LANGUAGE® this Christmas with these fun and bold LOVE LANGUAGE® themed "Ugly Christmas Sweaters."

Book 5lldevo

The Love Languages Devotional Bible

Research has shown that couples who read their Bibles and pray together enjoy a much healthier relationship. The "Love Languages Devotional Bible" is designed to make reading God’s Word and praying as a couple enjoyable and rewarding.