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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Rose Aroma Gift Set Trio


Rose Aroma Gift Set Trio

Our Rose Aroma gift set includes a trio of spa essentials in an inviting rose floral fragrance. The charming soy wax candle is gently scented to leave them feeling...

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Date Night Talks




Sometimes after a long day, even simple conversation can be challenging. Make it simple and get everyone talking with whichever TableTopic cards fit your fancy.

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Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box


Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box

Each bloom is carefully preserved and artfully arranged in a clear acrylic box, featuring the scripted sentiment ” for the ultimate in romance.

Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Good Morning Breakfast Meal


Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Give the gift of an incredible breakfast the whole family will love. This hearty assortment starts with cheesy bacon grits with crispy bacon and melted sharp cheddar cheese for a winning combination.

Foot Stuff

Foot Mask


Foot Mask

Pamper your partner with the gift a foot mask and commit to apply it whenever the time is right.

Book Convoscouple

101 Conversation Starters for Couples

Get the conversation flowing with “101 Conversation Starters for Couples.” It makes an excellent gift for any occasion and will equip you to connect more deeply with your loved one!


Comfy Blanket Gift Set


Comfy Blanket Gift Set

Show you care by sending this gift of comfort and pleasure to the people you truly care about. This is a perfect gift for a person who has everything.


Love You More Ice Cream Candle


Love You More Ice Cream Candle

Everyone needs a cutie like you to laugh with, cuddle up to, and make really bad decisions with. If you haven't noticed already, I think you're pretty cool...

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Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass


Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass

Count the hours of your love with the Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass. Beautiful on display anywhere in your home or office.


Oil Change


Oil Change

Take care of their next oil change with a Jiffy Lube gift card—or better yet, take the car in yourself!


I Love You


I Love You

I Love You 18 in. Bar link chain 3/4 x 1/2 in


The Giving Gift for Him


The Giving Gift for Him

The ultimate gift of relaxation for him. Our comfy bundle includes a dark gray, fuzzy blanket with ribbed detailing—perfect for naps on the couch or as an extra blanket on a bed, plus...

Book 52dates

52 Uncommon Dates

“52 Uncommon Dates” is more than a book—it’s an experience! Each date idea includes instructions, conversation starters, ignite playful and prayerful connections, and learn to practically speak each other’s love languages along the way.