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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Video Call

Zoom Time


Zoom Time

No matter how busy you both are, set random weekly calendar appointments to drop everything and spend 10 minutes together—in person, via Zoom, on the phone, etc.





The Lovebox is a connected, messaging device that pairs with an app to go beyond regular communication and deliver special expressions of affection.


Oil Change


Oil Change

Take care of their next oil change with a Jiffy Lube gift card—or better yet, take the car in yourself!


Custom Trophy


Custom Trophy

Find a local or online trophy shop and create a customized trophy for a friend or relative. Be creative and fun, but most of all, make it personal!

Friend Lamp

Friendship Lamp


Friendship Lamp

Your loved ones don't have to feel so far away when you give this unique lamp set. Let them know you are thinking about them with just one touch.

Honey Do Bank

Honey-Do Bank


Honey-Do Bank

Acts of Service got you stumped? Designate a "Honey-Do" Bank in your home and ask your spouse to add suggestions. Every so often, choose a task from the bank and do it for him or her!

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Godiva® Gold Ballotin Chocolates Box (72 piece)


Godiva® Gold Ballotin Chocolates Box (72 piece)

Make the ultimate good impression when you send this 72-piece assortment of the finest that Godiva has to offer! This opulent and iconic gold ballotin gift box is filled with...

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Meaningful Words

Book Highlights


Book Highlights

Are you crafty or creative? Sometimes people highlight words or phrases in books that speak meaningfully to them. To give a fun gift, find some highlights and have them made up into chalk art.

Dog Walk

Dog Walker


Dog Walker

Hire a part time dog walker for the pet lover in your life. This will not only help out, but it's also a kind way of giving back precious time.

Exercise Bike

Workout Assistance


Workout Assistance

How can you make your loved one's at-home workout easier? By gifting the right equipment! Whether it is a Peloton or a resistance band, anything that makes exercise easier is a win.

Heart Box

Love Box


Love Box

Here's a fun way to stay connected and send your love in a long-distance relationship.