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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.

Night Sky Poster


Night Sky Poster

Honor a special memory by ordering a framed poster of the night sky from wherever you were on that very date! It’s a beautiful and romantic way to remind your loved one how much they mean to you.

Now And Later

Now and Laters


Now and Laters

Hide Now and Laters® around the house for your spouse to discover. Every time one is found, he or she wins a 60-second hug or kiss NOW, plus 60 seconds toward a massage or another activity LATER!


Custom Trophy


Custom Trophy

Find a local or online trophy shop and create a customized trophy for a friend or relative. Be creative and fun, but most of all, make it personal!


Sock Club


Sock Club

Socks aren't only fashionable, they're also cozy and a fun way to express oneself. Consider signing up your loved one for the Sock Club—they'll get new socks every month!

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The Giving Shawl with Pin


The Giving Shawl with Pin

More than just a stylish accessory, our cozy, oversized shawl will wrap them in love. This comforting gift is designed with two pockets, one of which holds a keepsake...


Silicone Wedding Ring


Silicone Wedding Ring

If your spouse's work or hobbies sometimes demand wedding ring removal, then a silicone ring could be the perfect gift! Usually made of medical grade silicone, these rings also come in fun custom styles and colors.

Book Penny

Penny's Perfect Present

Join Penny and her friends as they take a visit to the Pet Pal Emporium, a magical place with exotic animals and exciting exhibits where the owner, Mr. Chapman, creatively teaches about God’s ever-present love, plus practical ways to show love to others.


The Giving Gift for Him


The Giving Gift for Him

The ultimate gift of relaxation for him. Our comfy bundle includes a dark gray, fuzzy blanket with ribbed detailing—perfect for naps on the couch or as an extra blanket on a bed, plus...

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

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Pear Lovers Gift Box


Pear Lovers Gift Box

Delightfully decorated, these pears come adorned with heart-shaped stickers delivering messages such as "be mine," "kiss me," and "I'm yours."

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Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set


Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set

Try our luxurious spa set from Sonoma Lavender. This spa gift includes a slipper or mitten set—or both—with coordinating moisturizing creams to help them relax while improving circulation.


Hugs and Kisses Candle


Hugs and Kisses Candle

Send some XOXO with a sweet and flirty gift. Our pink jar candle fills the air with the scent of fresh-picked roses, creating the perfect surprise for any romantic status…

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Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love


Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love

Tired of giving chocolate and flowers on special occasions? Treat your sweetheart to a day of adventure with our Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love.

Book 52dates

52 Uncommon Dates

“52 Uncommon Dates” is more than a book—it’s an experience! Each date idea includes instructions, conversation starters, ignite playful and prayerful connections, and learn to practically speak each other’s love languages along the way.