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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Filet Mignon Dinner for Two


Filet Mignon Dinner for Two

Enjoy one of the finest cuts of beef along with everything needed to make an unforgettable meal with this filet mignon dinner for two.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Heart Box

Love Box


Love Box

Here's a fun way to stay connected and send your love in a long-distance relationship.


Personalized Blanket


Personalized Blanket

Who wouldn't want a personalized throw blanket for snuggling on the couch together?





The Lovebox is a connected, messaging device that pairs with an app to go beyond regular communication and deliver special expressions of affection.

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Denarii Lavender Spa Gift Basket


Denarii Lavender Spa Gift Basket

Send this indulgent spa experience right at home with this exquisite spa gift basket featuring Source Vérité Denarii Lavender products.

Book Convosfamily

101 Conversation Starters for Families

One sign of a healthy family is open and meaningful conversation, but it can be hard to get your kids talking. "101 Conversation Starters for Families" provides just the right blend of fun and thought-provoking questions to get the ball rolling!

Date Night Talks




Sometimes after a long day, even simple conversation can be challenging. Make it simple and get everyone talking with whichever TableTopic cards fit your fancy.

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Roses Basketball


Roses Basketball

Introducing "Roses" a new basketball from round21 inspired by the story of the artists and athletes in bloom. Versatile and durable composite leather cover.

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Cherry Blossom Pamper Her Spa Tower


Cherry Blossom Pamper Her Spa Tower

Send the spa to her! Pamper and indulge her with a luxurious spa tower featuring Source Vérité Cherry Blossom products.

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I Love You To The Moon And Back Chocolate Gift


I Love You To The Moon And Back Chocolate Gift

All What Candy Says products are made to order. Processing time 1 day.


Sock Club


Sock Club

Socks aren't only fashionable, they're also cozy and a fun way to express oneself. Consider signing up your loved one for the Sock Club—they'll get new socks every month!

Custom Clothes

Custom Clothing


Custom Clothing

Create and give a personalized article of clothing to someone you love. Make it meaningful by incorporating something that is significant to them.

Book Peyton

A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Spend precious family time together with the story of 5 children who, with the help of Mr. Chapman and the unique pets at his special emporium, each discover their own personal love language.