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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
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Fortunate Love Personalized Fortune Cookie


Fortunate Love Personalized Fortune Cookie

Silver fortune cookie packaged inside an authentic Chinese take-out box, personalized with the recipient's name, any 2 lines of text, and the presenter's name.

Meaningful Words

Book Highlights


Book Highlights

Are you crafty or creative? Sometimes people highlight words or phrases in books that speak meaningfully to them. To give a fun gift, find some highlights and have them made up into chalk art.

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Love Rose Plant


Love Rose Plant

Classic and cute! First up is our red rose plant, designed in a flirty “XOXO” planter to send all the right messages. It’s paired up with our huggable Romeo™ bear to layer on the love.

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The Love Glass Jar With Chocolate


The Love Glass Jar With Chocolate

Our Love Jar lets you leave romantic little reminders of how you feel about each other. The glass jar is beautifully hand-crafted with a wooden lid and includes elegant red...

Affirming Text

Affirmation Alarm


Affirmation Alarm

Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, send a thoughtful text or say something kind every day for a week.

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I Love You To The Moon And Back Chocolate Gift


I Love You To The Moon And Back Chocolate Gift

All What Candy Says products are made to order. Processing time 1 day.

Book 5llchildren

The 5 Love Languages® of Children

The #1 "New York Times" bestselling book "The 5 Love Languages®" has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands.

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Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box


Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box

Each bloom is carefully preserved and artfully arranged in a clear acrylic box, featuring the scripted sentiment ” for the ultimate in romance.

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Love Letters Candle by Homesick With Scarf


Love Letters Candle by Homesick With Scarf

Our unique pairing is like your own personal memento to share. The “Love Letters” jar candle from Homesick features soft notes of rose petals and jasmine to set the mood for romance.





The Lovebox is a connected, messaging device that pairs with an app to go beyond regular communication and deliver special expressions of affection.

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Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass


Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass

Count the hours of your love with the Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass. Beautiful on display anywhere in your home or office.


Crocheted Love Pillow


Crocheted Love Pillow

This collective was started with seed funding from Save the Children to create jobs and help promote Armenian crafts.

Word Magnets

Word Magnets


Word Magnets

Buy a pack of word magnets and leave little notes for your family on your fridge! This can be a fun way to create moments of affirmation throughout each other's busy days.

Book 5lltens

The 5 Love Languages® of Teenagers

In this adaptation of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The 5 Love Languages®" (more than 13 million copies sold), Dr. Gary Chapman explores the world in which teenagers live, explains their developmental changes, and gives tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teen’s love language.