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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
Dog Walk

Dog Walker


Dog Walker

Hire a part time dog walker for the pet lover in your life. This will not only help out, but it's also a kind way of giving back precious time.

Notes Of Love

Affirmation Jar


Affirmation Jar

Write a list of genuine, specific compliments or affirmations on individual scraps of paper and put them in a jar, so they can be opened and read whenever your loved one needs a pick-me-up.





Fill out an organizer with relevant birthdays and special days and then give it to your loved one! For the one whose secondary love language is Words of Affirmation, include a few loving entries every month.

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Cheryl’s Cut-out Cookie Dough and Buttercream Frosting Set


Cheryl’s Cut-out Cookie Dough and Buttercream Frosting Set

Whether you are hosting a party or event or just baking up some mid-day snacks our fresh-baked cut-out cookies layered with buttercream frosting is the perfect solution.

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Disney Mickey Mouse Celebration Cake & Berries


Disney Mickey Mouse Celebration Cake & Berries

Decadent dessert meets Disney magic! Part of our new Disney collection, our three-tiered vanilla celebration cake is covered in creamy buttercream frosting and decorated...

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Ultimate Charcuterie and Cheese Collection


Ultimate Charcuterie and Cheese Collection

Entertain with ease or treat yourself to a gourmet snack with this thoughtfully selected assortment of charcuterie and cheeses. Featuring an assortment of...

Book Convosfamily

101 Conversation Starters for Families

One sign of a healthy family is open and meaningful conversation, but it can be hard to get your kids talking. "101 Conversation Starters for Families" provides just the right blend of fun and thought-provoking questions to get the ball rolling!

Back Scratcher

Back Scratcher


Back Scratcher

For the person who feels loved through Physical Touch, consider giving a back scratcher or massager that you can use to administer some relaxation sessions.

Hiking Together




One dialect of Quality Time is sharing experiences together. Plan an excursion to sky-dive, trek to Machu Picchu, or sail in the Carribbean—whatever you decide, endeavor to enjoy every moment together.


Air Travel


Air Travel

Keep an eye on your preferred airline’s specials throughout the year (this page from Southwest, for example) and surprise your loved one with a trip to somewhere new!

Yard Sign

Yard Signs


Yard Signs

Celebrate special occasions by putting a special message right in the front yard!

Make Videos

Make a Movie


Make a Movie

Record your own short adventure movie or funny skit with your family or special someone. Start small or go big—but either way, here are some ideas to get you started on a gift filled with plenty of Quality Time.


Gourmet Cookies


Gourmet Cookies

Send delicious, gourmet cookies right to the front door of someone you love!

Book Peyton

A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Spend precious family time together with the story of 5 children who, with the help of Mr. Chapman and the unique pets at his special emporium, each discover their own personal love language.