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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.

Wall Quotes


Wall Quotes

Give the gift of encouraging words, verses, motivations, and affirmations—literally. These fun wall decors will serve to energize the person you love as they surround themselves with positivity.

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Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass


Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass

Count the hours of your love with the Timeless Love Personalized Sand-Filled Hourglass. Beautiful on display anywhere in your home or office.


Live, Love, Laugh Tranquility Candle


Live, Love, Laugh Tranquility Candle

Bring warmth and light to their heart and home with our charming decorative candle. Set in a unique glazed holder with a “Live, Love, Laugh” sentiment, it fills the air with...

Notes Of Love

Affirmation Jar


Affirmation Jar

Write a list of genuine, specific compliments or affirmations on individual scraps of paper and put them in a jar, so they can be opened and read whenever your loved one needs a pick-me-up.

Photo Book

Picture Book


Picture Book

Gather your favorite photos of you and your loved one and create an album! It's a fun way to recapture the moments and relive the memories.

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Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet


Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet

Her beautiful heart comes shining through inside and out when she wears our Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet, featuring a stunning heart charm delicately attached.

Book 5llteenguide

A Teen's Guide to The 5 Love Languages®

Introducing "A Teen’s Guide to The 5 Love Languages®," the first ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen’s world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages, as well as how to best express love to others.


Friendship Keepsake Candle


Friendship Keepsake Candle

Celebrate the bond of friendship with our keepsake candle and bracelet. The tealight sentiment candle is set in a chic terra cotta holder. The golden bracelet is inscribed with ...

Book Convoscouple

101 Conversation Starters for Couples

Get the conversation flowing with “101 Conversation Starters for Couples.” It makes an excellent gift for any occasion and will equip you to connect more deeply with your loved one!