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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box


Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box

Make caffeine dreams come true with this coffee-themed gift featuring various types of coffees from Coffee Blenders® to Frozen Bean Latte & Frappe Mix, plus tasty treats like Theo® Dark Chocolate...

Honey Do Bank

Honey-Do Bank


Honey-Do Bank

Acts of Service got you stumped? Designate a "Honey-Do" Bank in your home and ask your spouse to add suggestions. Every so often, choose a task from the bank and do it for him or her!

Hello Fresh Meals

Meal Prep


Meal Prep

For the busy person in your life, gift a month or two of a meal preparation service like HelloFresh. If you want to go the extra mile, offer to assemble and cook the meals, too!

Foot Stuff

Foot Mask


Foot Mask

Pamper your partner with the gift a foot mask and commit to apply it whenever the time is right.

Dog Walk

Dog Walker


Dog Walker

Hire a part time dog walker for the pet lover in your life. This will not only help out, but it's also a kind way of giving back precious time.

Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Good Morning Breakfast Meal


Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Give the gift of an incredible breakfast the whole family will love. This hearty assortment starts with cheesy bacon grits with crispy bacon and melted sharp cheddar cheese for a winning combination.

Book 5llteenguide

A Teen's Guide to The 5 Love Languages®

Introducing "A Teen’s Guide to The 5 Love Languages®," the first ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen’s world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages, as well as how to best express love to others.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

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Wagyu Beef Burgers


Wagyu Beef Burgers

Go beyond the ordinary with these exceptional burgers crafted from Wagyu beef, offered in partnership with Rastelli's.

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Sonoma Lavender® Bath Gift Set


Sonoma Lavender® Bath Gift Set

Pamper, soothe, and delight her with an elegant lavender bath set from Sonoma Lavender. This set is perfect for a relaxing spa experience from the comfort of their home.

How To Book List

How-To Book


How-To Book

Help someone get a step closer to realizing a dream (e.g., gift a "How-To" book, sign them up for a course, etc.). Here is a list of 101 ways to learn a new skill!





Fill out an organizer with relevant birthdays and special days and then give it to your loved one! For the one whose secondary love language is Words of Affirmation, include a few loving entries every month.

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Wild Salmon Sampler


Wild Salmon Sampler

Discover the distinct flavors of wild sockeye, silver, and king salmon. Includes two portions of each species, along with a sample of our Signature Organic Salmon Seasoning.

Book Convoscouple

101 Conversation Starters for Couples

Get the conversation flowing with “101 Conversation Starters for Couples.” It makes an excellent gift for any occasion and will equip you to connect more deeply with your loved one!