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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Cooking Class

Cooking Class


Cooking Class

Take a cooking class with your partner! Side by side, you are sure to give and receive many touches. Make it a point to be close and have fun. Check out this site for classes near you. Bon appétit!

Video Call

Zoom Time


Zoom Time

No matter how busy you both are, set random weekly calendar appointments to drop everything and spend 10 minutes together—in person, via Zoom, on the phone, etc.

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Ultimate Charcuterie and Cheese Collection


Ultimate Charcuterie and Cheese Collection

Entertain with ease or treat yourself to a gourmet snack with this thoughtfully selected assortment of charcuterie and cheeses. Featuring an assortment of...

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Live Deeply Card Decks


Live Deeply Card Decks

Create new memories with your loved ones using the best-selling Live Deeply card decks! Need a good laugh? Try Slip! Run out of stories to share? Life Stories has got you covered. Explore topics now!

Rock Climbing Gym

Fitness Date


Fitness Date

Stay in shape while you date and give the gift of a "Fitness Date." Go rock climbing, axe throwing, or just take a fitness class—as long as you are together.

Burrito Blanket

Burrito Blanket


Burrito Blanket

A Burrito Blanket makes the perfect gift for the foodie who loves to cozy up.

Book Convoscouple

101 Conversation Starters for Couples

Get the conversation flowing with “101 Conversation Starters for Couples.” It makes an excellent gift for any occasion and will equip you to connect more deeply with your loved one!





Get some quality time together by taking your friend or spouse to AIRE baths—a very cool and relaxing spa and/or massage experience you can have together!

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Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar


Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar

Store all your favorite date ideas or save up for date night using the Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar. The glass jar features a colorful heart design.

Unplug Box

Unplug Box


Unplug Box

This Unplug Box makes a great gift for those who love Quality Time with others.


Air Travel


Air Travel

Keep an eye on your preferred airline’s specials throughout the year (this page from Southwest, for example) and surprise your loved one with a trip to somewhere new!

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A Year of Dates


A Year of Dates

A box of dates is the perfect romantic Christmas gift, wedding anniversary present, or just because you want to show them how much you want to spend time with them.

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Scrabble® Personalized Vintage Bookshelf Edition Board Game


Scrabble® Personalized Vintage Bookshelf Edition Board Game

Family game night will be extra fun with the Scrabble® Personalized Vintage Bookshelf Edition Board Game.

Book 52dates

52 Uncommon Dates

“52 Uncommon Dates” is more than a book—it’s an experience! Each date idea includes instructions, conversation starters, ignite playful and prayerful connections, and learn to practically speak each other’s love languages along the way.