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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Good Morning Breakfast Meal


Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Give the gift of an incredible breakfast the whole family will love. This hearty assortment starts with cheesy bacon grits with crispy bacon and melted sharp cheddar cheese for a winning combination.


Note Cube


Note Cube

Here's a fun and memorable gift for those fluent in several love languages.

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Denarii Lavender Spa Tower


Denarii Lavender Spa Tower

They will love this beautiful tower filled with an array of soothing lavender spa products from Source Vérité. This spa gift is sure to make anyone feel relaxed after a long day.


Alabama Sweet Tea


Alabama Sweet Tea

Does your loved one relish sweetened southern iced tea? Check out the Alabama Sweet Tea Company for gifts they'll appreciate on any occasion!


True Love Necklace


True Love Necklace

Simple words that hold a world of weight and devotion. Hand cut-out circle on the cover that opens to reveal the cut-out heart and hidden words beneath.


Habit Journal


Habit Journal

Help for creating healthy habits is a wonderful gift in and of itself. Here's a fun journal that will help your friends and loved ones do just that.

Book 5llteenguide

A Teen's Guide to The 5 Love Languages®

Introducing "A Teen’s Guide to The 5 Love Languages®," the first ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen’s world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages, as well as how to best express love to others.

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Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box


Magnificent Roses® You & Me Rose Box

Each bloom is carefully preserved and artfully arranged in a clear acrylic box, featuring the scripted sentiment ” for the ultimate in romance.

How To Book List

How-To Book


How-To Book

Help someone get a step closer to realizing a dream (e.g., gift a "How-To" book, sign them up for a course, etc.). Here is a list of 101 ways to learn a new skill!


Towel Warmer


Towel Warmer

A warm towel after a shower can be incredibly comforting. Let the towel warmer do all the work while you get all the credit.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Pocket Pillow

Secret Pocket Pillow


Secret Pocket Pillow

Make a secret pocket pillow for some Words of Affirmation fun! Use the pocket pillow to leave each other encouraging or affectionate notes, poetry, uplifting quotes, or notices of appreciation.

Adventure Book

Adventure Challenge


Adventure Challenge

Looking for a fun adventure that work even when "stay at home" orders are in effect? Here's one tailor-made for you and your loved one.

Book Convoscouple

101 Conversation Starters for Couples

Get the conversation flowing with “101 Conversation Starters for Couples.” It makes an excellent gift for any occasion and will equip you to connect more deeply with your loved one!