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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
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Barista Warrior French Press Insulated Coffee Maker


Barista Warrior French Press Insulated Coffee Maker

Method Matters. Use Barista Warrior’s French Press to Brew a Highly-Personalized Cup of Joe. Easily control the grounds, steep time, and temperature of your favorite drink.

Love Coupons

Coupon Book


Coupon Book

What better gift for the Acts of Service person in your life than a coupon book filled with coupons you've created just for them?!

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

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Tom Colicchio’s Colicchio Collection Cooking and Pairing Sauces


Tom Colicchio’s Colicchio Collection Cooking and Pairing Sauces

Give the gift of an authentic, Italian-inspired culinary adventure from Top Chef and restaurateur, Tom Colicchio.

Honey Do Bank

Honey-Do Bank


Honey-Do Bank

Acts of Service got you stumped? Designate a "Honey-Do" Bank in your home and ask your spouse to add suggestions. Every so often, choose a task from the bank and do it for him or her!

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Capuli Whole Fruit Teas - Gift Box


Capuli Whole Fruit Teas - Gift Box

Naturally sweetened by the whole ripe fruit included in each serving. The fruits are sourced from small women-owned farms in Colombia and the USA.

Book 5ll

The 5 Love Languages®

With over 20 MILLION COPIES SOLD, "The 5 Love Languages®" has been improving relationships for nearly 30 years. Its ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this book as practical as it is personable. Get inspired by real-life stories and a common-sense approach that will teach you to love better.

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Wagyu Beef Burgers


Wagyu Beef Burgers

Go beyond the ordinary with these exceptional burgers crafted from Wagyu beef, offered in partnership with Rastelli's.

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Cherry Blossom Pamper Her Spa Tower


Cherry Blossom Pamper Her Spa Tower

Send the spa to her! Pamper and indulge her with a luxurious spa tower featuring Source Vérité Cherry Blossom products.

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Tea Forte Wellbeing Gift Set


Tea Forte Wellbeing Gift Set

Revitalize with our gift set from Tea Forte. Includes a ceramic mug elegantly designed with a built-in infuser, tea packets in five restorative blends, and our aromatherapeutic essential oil diffuser.

Foot Stuff

Foot Mask


Foot Mask

Pamper your partner with the gift a foot mask and commit to apply it whenever the time is right.

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Personalized Vouchers of Love


Personalized Vouchers of Love

Tired of giving chocolate and flowers on special occasions? Treat your sweetheart to a day of adventure with our Personalized Vouchers of Love.

How To Book List

How-To Book


How-To Book

Help someone get a step closer to realizing a dream (e.g., gift a "How-To" book, sign them up for a course, etc.). Here is a list of 101 ways to learn a new skill!

Book 5llgift

The 5 Love Languages® Gift Edition

This meticulously crafted edition of the iconic #1 "New York Times" bestseller is the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a special encouragement for any couple.