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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Tea Forte Wellbeing Gift Set


Tea Forte Wellbeing Gift Set

Revitalize with our gift set from Tea Forte. Includes a ceramic mug elegantly designed with a built-in infuser, tea packets in five restorative blends, and our aromatherapeutic essential oil diffuser.

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Filet Mignon Dinner for Two


Filet Mignon Dinner for Two

Enjoy one of the finest cuts of beef along with everything needed to make an unforgettable meal with this filet mignon dinner for two.


Heart Stone Pendant


Heart Stone Pendant

Holding and gently rubbing the silver-plated heart creates a soothing, calming sensation that will evoke memories and feelings we hold in our hearts.


Air Travel


Air Travel

Keep an eye on your preferred airline’s specials throughout the year (this page from Southwest, for example) and surprise your loved one with a trip to somewhere new!


Custom Reel Viewer


Custom Reel Viewer

Here's a gift that is sure to delight! Order a custom Reel Viewer and watch the magic happen. Your special someone will “reel" in the love as these momentous moments are relived over and over again.

Word Art

Photo-Word Portrait


Photo-Word Portrait

Write a heartfelt letter to your loved one. Then, have it made into a photo-word portrait!

Book 5lltens

The 5 Love Languages® of Teenagers

In this adaptation of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The 5 Love Languages®" (more than 13 million copies sold), Dr. Gary Chapman explores the world in which teenagers live, explains their developmental changes, and gives tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teen’s love language.


Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket


Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket

The Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket with Lid is the perfect combination of classic vintage styling and convenient modern innovation. And what’s a picnic but a perfect combo?

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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box


Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box

Make caffeine dreams come true with this coffee-themed gift featuring various types of coffees from Coffee Blenders® to Frozen Bean Latte & Frappe Mix, plus tasty treats like Theo® Dark Chocolate...

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Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set


Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set

Try our luxurious spa set from Sonoma Lavender. This spa gift includes a slipper or mitten set—or both—with coordinating moisturizing creams to help them relax while improving circulation.


Personalized Blanket


Personalized Blanket

Who wouldn't want a personalized throw blanket for snuggling on the couch together?


Salt Caves


Salt Caves

Invite your friends to a therapeutic day at the salt caves! Not only will you all enjoy quality time, but it could also improve your health. Check your local Groupon for discounts and group rates!


Lavender Hearts Spa Box


Lavender Hearts Spa Box

This thoughtful lavender package is full of 100% natural products and is created to provide soothing, comfort, and relaxation. This is the ideal gift box to gift to your loved one!

Book 5llteenguide

A Teen's Guide to The 5 Love Languages®

Introducing "A Teen’s Guide to The 5 Love Languages®," the first ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen’s world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages, as well as how to best express love to others.