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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Exercise Bike

Workout Assistance


Workout Assistance

How can you make your loved one's at-home workout easier? By gifting the right equipment! Whether it is a Peloton or a resistance band, anything that makes exercise easier is a win.

Robo Vac

Robotic Vacuum


Robotic Vacuum

Robotic vacuums make the chore so much easier and they overflow with Acts of Service love. Here's a list of Consumer Report's best robotic vacuums of 2021.

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By Your Side Personalized Farmhouse Candle Jar


By Your Side Personalized Farmhouse Candle Jar

The By Your Side Personalized Farmhouse Candle Jar is perfect for your sweetheart. Makes a perfect gift for Sweetest Day and Valentine's Day.

Cooking Class

Cooking Class


Cooking Class

Take a cooking class with your partner! Side by side, you are sure to give and receive many touches. Make it a point to be close and have fun. Check out this site for classes near you. Bon appétit!

Word Magnets

Word Magnets


Word Magnets

Buy a pack of word magnets and leave little notes for your family on your fridge! This can be a fun way to create moments of affirmation throughout each other's busy days.


Wall Quotes


Wall Quotes

Give the gift of encouraging words, verses, motivations, and affirmations—literally. These fun wall decors will serve to energize the person you love as they surround themselves with positivity.

Book 5ll

The 5 Love Languages®

With over 20 MILLION COPIES SOLD, "The 5 Love Languages®" has been improving relationships for nearly 30 years. Its ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this book as practical as it is personable. Get inspired by real-life stories and a common-sense approach that will teach you to love better.

Affirming Text

Affirmation Alarm


Affirmation Alarm

Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, send a thoughtful text or say something kind every day for a week.

Todo List Board

To-Do Board


To-Do Board

Nothing speaks to an Acts of Service person more than a "To-Do" list—here's one you can gift! Encourage your loved one to write down their heart's desires, and then commit to do all you can to make them happen.

Love Coupons

Coupon Book


Coupon Book

What better gift for the Acts of Service person in your life than a coupon book filled with coupons you've created just for them?!

Hello Fresh Meals

Meal Prep


Meal Prep

For the busy person in your life, gift a month or two of a meal preparation service like HelloFresh. If you want to go the extra mile, offer to assemble and cook the meals, too!

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Everyday Stack


Everyday Stack

There's nothing like a new golden ring party to boost your mood. Handmade in America. This stack includes: 1 Figaro Chain Ring, 1 Hammered Ring, 1 Beaded Ring


Towel Warmer


Towel Warmer

A warm towel after a shower can be incredibly comforting. Let the towel warmer do all the work while you get all the credit.

Book 5llgift

The 5 Love Languages® Gift Edition

This meticulously crafted edition of the iconic #1 "New York Times" bestseller is the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a special encouragement for any couple.