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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Cooking Class

Cooking Class


Cooking Class

Take a cooking class with your partner! Side by side, you are sure to give and receive many touches. Make it a point to be close and have fun. Check out this site for classes near you. Bon appétit!

Hiking Together




One dialect of Quality Time is sharing experiences together. Plan an excursion to sky-dive, trek to Machu Picchu, or sail in the Carribbean—whatever you decide, endeavor to enjoy every moment together.

Og Video Lt5ll

Learning the 5 Love Languages™ with Dr. Gary Chapman

Join Dr. Gary Chapman, long-time marriage counselor and bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages® for this six-session, MasterClass-style presentation on how to build the kind of love that lasts.