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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Groupon Travel




Search Groupon for a fun staycation wherever you live! Order room service and enjoy some Quality Time together away from the stresses of everyday life.

Outdoor Heater

Outdoor Heater


Outdoor Heater

An outdoor heater will allow you to spend time outside together as the weather gets colder.

Video Call

Zoom Time


Zoom Time

No matter how busy you both are, set random weekly calendar appointments to drop everything and spend 10 minutes together—in person, via Zoom, on the phone, etc.

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Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar


Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar

Store all your favorite date ideas or save up for date night using the Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar. The glass jar features a colorful heart design.

Cooking Together

Signature Recipe


Signature Recipe

If your spouse loves a cooking or baking show, make one of the signature recipes together! Gather all the ingredients ahead of time and then present the invitiation in a card or note.


Brownies With Salted Caramel DIY Baking Kit


Brownies With Salted Caramel DIY Baking Kit

DIY Baking kit to make homemade gourmet brownies with salted caramel sauce. Drizzled twice with salted caramel sauce, these rich, gooey favorites are a luscious marriage of sweet and salty.

Book 5llchildren

The 5 Love Languages® of Children

The #1 "New York Times" bestselling book "The 5 Love Languages®" has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands.


Salt Caves


Salt Caves

Invite your friends to a therapeutic day at the salt caves! Not only will you all enjoy quality time, but it could also improve your health. Check your local Groupon for discounts and group rates!

Wonderly Book

Custom Books


Custom Books

Children love stories—especially when they are read aloud together. Imagine how surprised they will be when the next storybook you read together is all about them!

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Roses Mini Hoop By Craig White


Roses Mini Hoop By Craig White

Introducing "Roses" a new mini basketball hoop from round21 x Craig White inspired by the story of the artists and athletes in bloom.

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Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love


Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love

Tired of giving chocolate and flowers on special occasions? Treat your sweetheart to a day of adventure with our Create Your Own Personalized Vouchers of Love.

Rock Climbing Gym

Fitness Date


Fitness Date

Stay in shape while you date and give the gift of a "Fitness Date." Go rock climbing, axe throwing, or just take a fitness class—as long as you are together.

Board Game

Board Game Dress Up


Board Game Dress Up

Board games are a favorite pastime for many families. Break away from the norm and try something different. For example, the next time you have a game night of CLUE®, have each person dress up as their character.

Book 5lltens

The 5 Love Languages® of Teenagers

In this adaptation of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The 5 Love Languages®" (more than 13 million copies sold), Dr. Gary Chapman explores the world in which teenagers live, explains their developmental changes, and gives tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teen’s love language.