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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Meaningful Words

Book Highlights


Book Highlights

Are you crafty or creative? Sometimes people highlight words or phrases in books that speak meaningfully to them. To give a fun gift, find some highlights and have them made up into chalk art.

Candy Buffet

Candy Buffet


Candy Buffet

Set up a small candy buffet for your kids, spouse, or friends the next time you host a get-together. Dress up as a classy server (white gloves and all), and serve them at a special time during the evening.

Make Videos

Make a Movie


Make a Movie

Record your own short adventure movie or funny skit with your family or special someone. Start small or go big—but either way, here are some ideas to get you started on a gift filled with plenty of Quality Time.





Fill out an organizer with relevant birthdays and special days and then give it to your loved one! For the one whose secondary love language is Words of Affirmation, include a few loving entries every month.

Affirming Text

Affirmation Alarm


Affirmation Alarm

Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, send a thoughtful text or say something kind every day for a week.

Board Game

Board Game Dress Up


Board Game Dress Up

Board games are a favorite pastime for many families. Break away from the norm and try something different. For example, the next time you have a game night of CLUE®, have each person dress up as their character.

Book 5llgift

The 5 Love Languages® Gift Edition

This meticulously crafted edition of the iconic #1 "New York Times" bestseller is the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a special encouragement for any couple.

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A Taste Of Italy: Gnocchi Pasta Making On Demand Workshop


A Taste Of Italy: Gnocchi Pasta Making On Demand Workshop

Transport yourself to an Italian cucina, as Pastaia, Janine Bruno, teaches you step by step how to make mouth-watering gnocchi and a classic Pomodoro the old-world way.

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A Year of Dates


A Year of Dates

A box of dates is the perfect romantic Christmas gift, wedding anniversary present, or just because you want to show them how much you want to spend time with them.

Word Magnets

Word Magnets


Word Magnets

Buy a pack of word magnets and leave little notes for your family on your fridge! This can be a fun way to create moments of affirmation throughout each other's busy days.

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Filet Mignon Dinner for Two


Filet Mignon Dinner for Two

Enjoy one of the finest cuts of beef along with everything needed to make an unforgettable meal with this filet mignon dinner for two.


Comfy Blanket Gift Set


Comfy Blanket Gift Set

Show you care by sending this gift of comfort and pleasure to the people you truly care about. This is a perfect gift for a person who has everything.

Exercise Bike

Workout Assistance


Workout Assistance

How can you make your loved one's at-home workout easier? By gifting the right equipment! Whether it is a Peloton or a resistance band, anything that makes exercise easier is a win.

Book 5llchildren

The 5 Love Languages® of Children

The #1 "New York Times" bestselling book "The 5 Love Languages®" has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands.