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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
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Notes Of Love

Affirmation Jar


Affirmation Jar

Write a list of genuine, specific compliments or affirmations on individual scraps of paper and put them in a jar, so they can be opened and read whenever your loved one needs a pick-me-up.

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Wagyu Beef Burgers


Wagyu Beef Burgers

Go beyond the ordinary with these exceptional burgers crafted from Wagyu beef, offered in partnership with Rastelli's.

Hiking Together




One dialect of Quality Time is sharing experiences together. Plan an excursion to sky-dive, trek to Machu Picchu, or sail in the Carribbean—whatever you decide, endeavor to enjoy every moment together.

Home Camping Date Night

Home Camping


Home Camping

Go camping—in your living room! You're never too old to transform your living room into a couple’s camping experience once again—only now, you can go the extra mile. Click for inspiration!

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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box


Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Market Box

Make caffeine dreams come true with this coffee-themed gift featuring various types of coffees from Coffee Blenders® to Frozen Bean Latte & Frappe Mix, plus tasty treats like Theo® Dark Chocolate...

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Wellness Fountain and Life Balance Guide


Wellness Fountain and Life Balance Guide

Balance is the key to happiness, and our gift set helps achieve it. This sleek, blue-green desktop fountain casts a gentle cascade of water, bringing peace and serenity to any moment.

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Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet


Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet

Her beautiful heart comes shining through inside and out when she wears our Engraved Engagement Heart Charm Bangle Bracelet, featuring a stunning heart charm delicately attached.

Not Alone

Not Alone Bracelet


Not Alone Bracelet

In a season where many feel isolated, you can remind your loved one they are not alone.


Photo Session


Photo Session

Most people treasure photos and love to share them. A photo session with a local photographer makes a great gift that will be cherished for years to come.


Personalized Blanket


Personalized Blanket

Who wouldn't want a personalized throw blanket for snuggling on the couch together?

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A Year of Dates


A Year of Dates

A box of dates is the perfect romantic Christmas gift, wedding anniversary present, or just because you want to show them how much you want to spend time with them.

Make Videos

Make a Movie


Make a Movie

Record your own short adventure movie or funny skit with your family or special someone. Start small or go big—but either way, here are some ideas to get you started on a gift filled with plenty of Quality Time.