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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
Video Call

Zoom Time


Zoom Time

No matter how busy you both are, set random weekly calendar appointments to drop everything and spend 10 minutes together—in person, via Zoom, on the phone, etc.


Customized Apparel


Customized Apparel

Does your loved one love a particular sports team? Pick up a hat or a jersey you think they would look great in, or get yourself a matching one and cheer them on together!

Dance Lesson

Dance Lessons


Dance Lessons

Dancing lessons can be a particularly meaningful gift for a loved one with the love language of Physical Touch. There are many styles to choose from—pick one and surprise your partner.


Lotsa Love® The Perfect Pair™


Lotsa Love® The Perfect Pair™

A sweet reminder that you’re meant to be together. From our Lotsa Love collection, these plush teddy bears make the perfect pair, snuggled side-by-side and holding a heart that reads “Me & You.”

Yard Sign

Yard Signs


Yard Signs

Celebrate special occasions by putting a special message right in the front yard!


Calligraphy Love Letter


Calligraphy Love Letter

Hire a calligrapher to turn a love letter or your wedding vows into a beautifully written keepsake that you can frame.

Book 5llchildren

The 5 Love Languages® of Children

The #1 "New York Times" bestselling book "The 5 Love Languages®" has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands.





Fill out an organizer with relevant birthdays and special days and then give it to your loved one! For the one whose secondary love language is Words of Affirmation, include a few loving entries every month.

Live Deeply R1 3j2a0309 1 Cropped

Live Deeply Card Decks


Live Deeply Card Decks

Create new memories with your loved ones using the best-selling Live Deeply card decks! Need a good laugh? Try Slip! Run out of stories to share? Life Stories has got you covered. Explore topics now!

Meaningful Words

Book Highlights


Book Highlights

Are you crafty or creative? Sometimes people highlight words or phrases in books that speak meaningfully to them. To give a fun gift, find some highlights and have them made up into chalk art.

Back Scratcher

Back Scratcher


Back Scratcher

For the person who feels loved through Physical Touch, consider giving a back scratcher or massager that you can use to administer some relaxation sessions.

Word Magnets

Word Magnets


Word Magnets

Buy a pack of word magnets and leave little notes for your family on your fridge! This can be a fun way to create moments of affirmation throughout each other's busy days.


Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket


Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket

The Kabrio Wine & Cheese Picnic Basket with Lid is the perfect combination of classic vintage styling and convenient modern innovation. And what’s a picnic but a perfect combo?

Book 5lltens

The 5 Love Languages® of Teenagers

In this adaptation of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The 5 Love Languages®" (more than 13 million copies sold), Dr. Gary Chapman explores the world in which teenagers live, explains their developmental changes, and gives tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teen’s love language.