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Give a gift that speaks their Love Language™

What's Their Love Language?

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These are items that we love. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links,
The Love Language Brand may earn a small commission. Don’t worry, you won’t pay a higher price.
Hug Thing

Mail a Hug


Mail a Hug

Is there physical distance between you and someone you love? Give a hug that can be felt from miles away.

Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Good Morning Breakfast Meal


Good Morning Breakfast Meal

Give the gift of an incredible breakfast the whole family will love. This hearty assortment starts with cheesy bacon grits with crispy bacon and melted sharp cheddar cheese for a winning combination.


Silicone Wedding Ring


Silicone Wedding Ring

If your spouse's work or hobbies sometimes demand wedding ring removal, then a silicone ring could be the perfect gift! Usually made of medical grade silicone, these rings also come in fun custom styles and colors.

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Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar


Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar

Store all your favorite date ideas or save up for date night using the Date Night Personalized Glass Storage Jar. The glass jar features a colorful heart design.


The Giving Heart Charm Bracelet


The Giving Heart Charm Bracelet

This keepsake charm bracelet set helps offer that solace. Featuring delicate heart charms on a leather cord strap, symbolizing the importance of holding onto faith and love.


Personalized Blanket


Personalized Blanket

Who wouldn't want a personalized throw blanket for snuggling on the couch together?

Book Convosfamily

101 Conversation Starters for Families

One sign of a healthy family is open and meaningful conversation, but it can be hard to get your kids talking. "101 Conversation Starters for Families" provides just the right blend of fun and thought-provoking questions to get the ball rolling!

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Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set


Sonoma Lavender® Hand And Foot Spa Set

Try our luxurious spa set from Sonoma Lavender. This spa gift includes a slipper or mitten set—or both—with coordinating moisturizing creams to help them relax while improving circulation.

Custom Clothes

Custom Clothing


Custom Clothing

Create and give a personalized article of clothing to someone you love. Make it meaningful by incorporating something that is significant to them.

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Tom Colicchio’s Colicchio Collection Cooking and Pairing Sauces


Tom Colicchio’s Colicchio Collection Cooking and Pairing Sauces

Give the gift of an authentic, Italian-inspired culinary adventure from Top Chef and restaurateur, Tom Colicchio.

Date Night Talks




Sometimes after a long day, even simple conversation can be challenging. Make it simple and get everyone talking with whichever TableTopic cards fit your fancy.

Adventure Book

Adventure Challenge


Adventure Challenge

Looking for a fun adventure that work even when "stay at home" orders are in effect? Here's one tailor-made for you and your loved one.

Word Art

Photo-Word Portrait


Photo-Word Portrait

Write a heartfelt letter to your loved one. Then, have it made into a photo-word portrait!

Book Peyton

A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Spend precious family time together with the story of 5 children who, with the help of Mr. Chapman and the unique pets at his special emporium, each discover their own personal love language.