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Workplace Bundle

Improving Your Workplace Culture Bundle

A 3-book bundle to help you learn to identify the unhealthy patterns in your workplace and take positive steps that will help you get your workplace culture back on track.


A 3-book bundle to help you learn to identify the unhealthy patterns in your workplace and take positive steps that will help you get your workplace culture back on track.


$53.97 -35%

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Are you unhappy at work?

Learn how to thrive at work with these three incredible resources on workplace dynamics.

The "Improving Workplace Culture Bundle" includes the bestselling (and newly updated) 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace; Rising Above a Toxic Workplace, an examination of how to navigate unhealthy work environments; and The Vibrant Workplace, a guide for leaders who want to create a workplace people want to be part of. If you're struggling with your workplace—or care about someone who is—these books will encourage and equip you to thrive in your job and career.

The Authors

White, Dr. Paul

Dr. Paul White



Paul White, PhD, is a licensed psychologist who has worked with individuals, businesses and families in a variety of settings for over 20 years. He received his B.A. from Wheaton, his Masters from Arizona State, and his PhD in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University. He consults with successful businesses and high net worth families, dealing with the relational issues intertwined with business and financial wealth. In addition to serving businesses, families and organizations across the U.S., Dr. White has also spoken and consulted in Europe, Central Asia, the Caribbean, and South America.

For more information, please visit his website at

Paul White, PhD, is a licensed psychologist who has worked with individuals, businesses and families in a variety of settings for over 20 years. He received his B.A. from Wheaton, his Masters from Arizona State, and his PhD in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University. He consults with successful businesses and high net worth families, dealing with the relational issues intertwined with business and financial wealth. In addition to serving businesses, families and organizations across the U.S., Dr. White has also spoken and consulted in Europe, Central Asia, the Caribbean, and South America.

For more information, please visit his website at

Gary Headshot

Dr. Gary Chapman



Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 20 million worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn.

Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 20 million worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn.

Myra, Harold

Harold Myra



Harold Myra has written more than two dozen fiction and nonfiction books, including The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham. During his thirty-two years as CEO of a magazine publishing company, the organization grew from one magazine to thirteen while establishing a thriving Internet site.

Harold Myra has written more than two dozen fiction and nonfiction books, including The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham. During his thirty-two years as CEO of a magazine publishing company, the organization grew from one magazine to thirteen while establishing a thriving Internet site.