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Questions for Gary

As you can imagine, Dr. Chapman is extremely busy, and while he would love to be able to answer individual questions, he is unable to do so. However, here are some alternative resources:

  • Each month Gary hosts a Q&A edition of Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman. If you have a question you would like to submit to be considered for the show, we would be glad to hear from you. Call (866) 424-GARY.

  • If you are in further need of counseling, please speak with your church pastor about who in your area can provide you with counseling. Or, visit the website for the American Association of Christian Counselors to learn about Christian counselors in your area. Prefer a broader criteria? Explore

Interview Requests

If you are a producer, host, editor, reporter, blogger or another member of the media, and would like to set up an interview with Dr. Gary Chapman, please visit the Media page and fill out the form.

Permissions Request

Please DO NOT request permission to use, adapt, upload, or reproduce the Love Languages™ Quiz/Assessment/Profile in any format, whether in print, digital, or online. To do so is a violation of trademark and copyright laws. You MAY feature a direct link in print or online to The 5 Love Languages® website and/or official online quiz/assessment/profile (i.e., couples, singles, teens, children) at

For all other permissioning requests, including but not limited to, excerpts, photocopies, use of The 5 Love Languages® or Love Languages™ name and/or brand identities or likeness, trademarked icons, logos, videos, book covers, please fill out this permissions form, outlining your requests.

Contact Us

If you are requesting counseling or relationship advice, please see the Questions for Gary section above for your options. Unfortunately, we will not be able to respond to these types of questions from this form.